Week 3: My #NSNation Journey; Still Losing!

#NSNation Week 3

#NSNation Week 3

**Disclosure:I have received 3 months of food as part of the #NSNation Blogger Program.  No monetary compensations has been exchanged.  All opinions expressed are ours alone.  PLEASE – always consult a healthcare professional, before starting any diet or exercise program.**

Week 3: My #NSNation Journey; Still Losing!

When you think of losing weight, you think diet. At least that is what I always thought.  While on NutriSystem what I have started learning is portion size.  I won’t lie to you, before starting this program I didn’t think anything about eating 6 stuffed shells or more, 4 pieces of Italian bread and possibly second helpings.  I ate like this because I would go all day without eating; or eating junk, then justifying it to myself.  At night when I was alone I would have ice cream. We have always ate ours in a coffee cup.  Eventually I went from the smaller coffee cup to the larger one.  That, sadly, wasn’t where it would stop.  I would go out and get a second cup and think “you are going to be mad at yourself”, but I would do it anyways.  I can’t say eating for me is a comfort thing; it is more of a ‘this tastes good, and I will worry about it later’.

After completing 3 weeks on this program I have lost 14.4 pounds.  Although it is coming off a bit slower than the first week; I expected that to happen.  I have always felt that it took me this long to gain the weight; it is going to take me longer to lose it. I will admit that I have already noticed clothes fitting not as tight as they were before starting.  This tells me that I am losing inches also.  I have measure myself once and will wait a month from when I did it to do it again.

The program has many delicious meals and instead of rushing through them; I savor them.  Before I used to eat and my mind was on what is next.  Now I eat and enjoy it; especially when I have a bowl of steamed vegetables to go with it.  My favorites are raviolis, stuffed shells, salisbury steak with a side of macaroni and cheese.  I do have more than that but those are my top 3.  For lunch I do enjoy the bars that come with the program; but I really enjoy the chicken/cheese quesadilla. Its the closest thing that helps me not miss the Mexican food my daughter-in-law always makes.  (I really do miss having that more often; but I know this is my choice in order to eat better.)

If you would like to check into the NutriSystem program you can click the button on my sidebar; and check into the program for yourself.

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