1byOne Has a Touch Sensor Table Lamp You Will Love


1byOne has some of the most awesome products.

My husband is very impressed with the  Bedside Touch Sensor Table Lamp  and I find it is pretty nifty also.


First the Touch Sensor Table Lamp from 1byOne.  They mention it is a great table lamp but we use it as a nightlight in our bathroom.  The only plug in our bathroom is controlled by whether or not the bathroom light is on.  So for a long time, we have kept the bathroom light on ALL night so we can get to it without running into the wall etc.  Now we use this in our bathroom. Most nights it is just on the low white setting but some nights it is just fun for it to change colors all night. (Don’t ask me why that is my husband’s idea).

1byOne Touch Sensor Lamp

The Touch Sensor allows you to have bright light, a medium light or a low, soft light. Then you can touch the sensor again and it starts changing colors. More muted so it isn’t like ‘in your face bright’.  The colors go from a purple to an orange to a yellow to a blue.  It is so fun to watch the change of the lights. When fully charged it lasts for 11 or 12 hours of use on the low light setting. I did notice that if you are using the color changing choice it isn’t as long but that also takes more “usage”.  If you just keep it on the low light it lasts for about 11-12 hours. We tested to see, I know probably a bit odd, but I felt it was good to see if it did.

You have to watch the shower curtain behind the light because that is where you will see it, doing a video we thought was easier than pictures.

  • Only A Touch – A simple touch to the top of the lamp allows you to switch light modes, adjust brightness, change colors, and power on/off.
  • Vibrant Light Modes – Supple warm white light with 3 brightness levels and an auto-cycle mode for displaying transforming colors across a 256 RGB spectrum, plus the ability to pause this cycle when you come across the color that speaks to you.
  • Eco-Friendly> – Low power consumption and a service life of 35,000 hours, which is equal to 4 years of continuous 24-hour-a-day use! The run time of its full charged battery is: for low light, about 11 hours; moderate light, 6~7 hours; bright light, 2~3 hours.
  • Easy on the Eyes – The brightness and hue of the lamp’s white light has been adjusted to make it pleasant and relaxing, while the look of the lamp itself will please even when not in use.
  • Portable for Every Occasion – Charged by USB, so unplug and place on a desk for study, the dining table for a romantic dinner, on a blanket an outdoor evening picnic, on the snack table during a fun party, or simply by your bedside.

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See Also

Disclosure:  I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company above and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.



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